Everyone knows that peeps are great to eat, but what do you do when your favorite snack treat is bored?
Answer: Get some fly peep gear and accessories.
First up on our list is the peep vanity mirror. At a low low price of $500 this hot item is a must have!
Need to go someplace with your snack treats??? How about the Peep Roadster (with working winshield wipers) $75.00 |
Oh no! Company is comming, they're hungry, and your peeps are dirty... what do you do? Why you purchase the Peep sink and wash basin! $45.00 |
Tired of sour uneducated peeps? For only $70.00 you can buy the peep library learner playset. (seats 4) |
Did you keep your peeps too long and now they're messing the box? Get the action flush Peep toilet $259.00 (plumbing not included)
Is the light inyour house not sugary enough? This peep celing lamp cover is ideal for making anything that basks in it's glow sweet as can be! $25.00 |
Your badass attitude needs to be reflected in your food! With the Peep Harley no one will call your eating habits sissy! $1500.00 |
Ok, ok! So you aren't that badass, but you do like to feel the win rushing over your peeps. Safety is a big concern to you and we can help! The Peep helmet set (for him and her) $12.32
Your asian grocer is comming over and you have nothing to serve him!!! Wait until he sinks his chopsticks into the Peep Sushi Peep roll dining set!!! $43.00 |
Andy Warhol fooled them and now so can you! PeepArt at factory direct prices! $10.00 |